In partnership with Catholic Charities Spokane, the Emerson-Garfield Farmers’ Market is looking to launch a pilot program of kids’ activities called Kids Eating Right: Nutrition and Exercise for Life (or KERNEL for short).
KERNEL is a youth-oriented nutrition and exercise program that, if successful, will be hosted by several Spokane area farmers markets. It is designed to actively engage kids in learning about food, exercise and gardening. The proposed scheduled is for a 12-week program that has a different module each week. Each module is short in length, but focused on introducing youth to a lifestyle that includes nutrition and exercise.
The pilot program at Emerson-Garfield Farmers’ Market will start on July 10 of this year and run through September 25. We would assume a maximum of 20 participating children per week.
Each child would receive a booklet or passport with the 12-week KERNEL schedule. There would be a space for a sticker signifying completion of the module. Each child who completed 10 or more modules would receive a free, signed book at the end of the series.
Proposed modules would include:
- Planting a seed pot
- Basic composting
- Yoga
- Nutrition bingo
- A concert with make-your-own instruments
The market is looking for sponsors to help make this happen. Sponsors could donate enough to cover the materials for one week’s activity (typically $50) or enough for several weeks. The total cost of the entire KERNEL program is anticipated to be $1000. All sponsors would receive ample promotion, including verbal and written recognition and logo/name visibility on a banner.
If you, your business or your organization is interested in sponsoring KERNEL — and helping to give many children a safe, fun, educational activity as a result — please get in touch with us at or by calling (509) 720-7350. We have much more detailed info on the program that we can provide to prospective sponsors.
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